America Recycles Day

With everyone being so environmentally conscious, this is a great day to do what we can to encourage recycling.  America Recycles Day is November 15.  Here are a few ideas to use with your children or students:

  • Make a recycling collection container.  Use a tub or recycle a big box.  Decorate it and add a sign.  Put your container where people will be getting rid of possible recyclables.  Make sure you have permission to place your container, and that you have a plan for emptying it and sending the items on to recycling.
  • Write a letter to the editor for your local newspaper that supports recycling and gives information about it.
  • Research and create a presentation about how materials are recycled and how recycled things are made into new products.
  • Research to discover the cost-effectiveness of recycling.  Many people perceive that recycled products are more expensive than their new counterparts.  Why is this, and what is the actual cost of these things?  Is it worth it?

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